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2025 Success Summit Agenda
February 4, 2025 | Doubletree by Hilton McLeans

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NAIFA-Greater Washington, D.C.

2025 Success Summit Agenda

February 4, 2025 | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

7:30 am
Registration Opens
8:00 am
Breakfast with Exhibitors
8:30 am
Welcome from NAIFA-GWDC President, Nathan Moore
8:45 - 9:45 am
Keynote Session
Keynote Speaker: Panos Leledakis, LUTCF, IRMA, BRMA
CEO, International Financial Architects
Panos Leledakis is a pioneer in the insurance industry. He is a known expert about the topic of millennials, digital transformation, internet marketing strategy, and new technologies in the insurance profession. He invented two innovative software for risk analysis, evolving need analysis procedure, by implementing the science of risk management, artificial intelligence and extensive neuroscience research on risk perception and decision making. The software and methodology received 7 global InsurTech innovation awards from significant organizations like MIT University (MIT Enterprise Forum) and Panos Leledakis was awarded among the 25 Top InsurTech CEO's of 2020 globally.

An international public speaker with extensive experience and hundreds of hours at big stages around the world (NASA Space Center, main platform of MDRT, GAMA Lamp Asia and NAILBA’s annual meetings) characterized by his motivational and passionate way of expression. He has 21 years of experience in the insurance market, since 1999 as a top awarded insurance consultant and manager, TOT MDRT member.
9:45 am
Networking Break with Exhibitors
10:15 - 11:00 am
General Session
Allison Felix, Cassady & Co.

Claudia Sahm, New Century Advisors

Scott Van Pelt, Mass Mutual
Perspectives from the Best in DC/MD/VA - It’s a Great Time to be a Mid-sized FirmHear from industry leaders what they think of prospecting for new agents? Where do they start? Tell us how you do this, and how can I take my practice to the next level?
11:00 - 11:45 am
Breakout Sessions
- Succession Planning for General Advisors and Owners
- Technology in Agencies and the Best Methods for Implementation
- Investment Strategies for 2025
11:45 am - 1:00 pm
Working Lunch & General Session
Legislative Updates - Federal & State Issues in 2025
Federal Legislative Perspectives – Diane Boyle, SVP, Government Relations, NAIFA

Maryland State Legislative Perspectives - Brett Lininger, Esq., Lobbyist, NAIFA-Maryland Lobbyist
1:00 - 1:45 pm
Breakout Sessions
- Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Money
- Prospecting for Business Owners
- Marketing and Digital Branding – Storytelling is Part of Your Agency – Do You Own Your Space?
2:30 - 2:45 pm
Networking Break
2:45 - 3:45 pm
Closing General Session
Ask The Experts, Wholistic Growth Panel and Q&A with Today's Speakers
3:45 - 4:45 pm
Reception with Exhibitors

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