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1 min read

Important ORders from DISB and DC | Health

By NAIFA-GWDC on 2/23/21 8:38 AM

NAIFA-Greater Washington, D.C. brings your attention to two orders released by the Government of the District of Columbia in late January of 2021. NAIFA-GWDC would like to preface with continued consumer relief and the cooperative effort of insurance carriers and government during the pandemic.

1 min read

Virtual RoundTable Discussion with Comptroller Peter Franchot

By Elizabeth Nelson on 2/9/21 10:38 AM

This virtual roundtable is an opportunity for open discussion with leaders of the Maryland Comptroller’s Agency regarding current fiscal and financial planning topics and the upcoming tax season. Q&A is welcome.

1 min read

A Very Special Delivery!

By Elizabeth Nelson on 12/30/20 9:52 AM

Many thanks to YOU, our NAIFA-Greater Washington, D.C. members and your generous donations!  Families in need in D.C. received your wonderful gifts pictured above!  
