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2 min read

NAIFA-GWDC's Success Summit Is a Virtual Winner

By NAIFA on 4/26/21 4:24 PM

NAIFA’s Greater Washington, D.C., chapter (NAIFA-GWDC) held a successful, all-virtual 2021 Success Summit. The event brought together NAIFA members, prospective members, sponsors, and special guests for a program offering, in the words of NAIFA Treasurer and NAIFA-GWDC member Brock Jolly, “camaraderie, personal and professional development, career networking, sales ideas, motivation, and inspiration.”

Topics: Professional Development
2 min read

GWDC 2021 Success Summit: What's in it for me?

By NAIFA-GWDC on 4/12/21 11:23 AM

Are you looking for a convenient way to hone your craft, network, develop new skills, and become more confident in your business? The annual GWDC Success Summit will include presentations from industry icons, motivational speakers, and experts in insurance and financial services that will help you accomplish all the above.

1 min read

NAIFA-GWDC Hosts Joey Davenport on April 12th

By NAIFA-GWDC on 4/5/21 1:33 PM

Joey Davenport is set to speak on April 12th at 4-5 p.m.! Don’t miss Using Behavioral Economics to Expedite Decision-Making. This virtual event is free and open to all!
2 min read

Cameron Herold to Speak at NAIFA-GWDC's 2021 Success Summit

By NAIFA-GWDC on 4/2/21 10:08 AM

NAIFA-GWDC's 2021 Success Summit on April 21st hosts a powerful line up of speakers. This annual event will be held virtually due to COVID-19 protocols.  But trust us when we say that this is one summit you won't want to miss.

1 min read

Bruce Etherington, CLU, ChFC, CFP to Speak at Success Summit

By NAIFA-GWDC on 3/29/21 9:23 AM

NAIFA-GWDC's 2021 Success Summit on April 21st hosts a powerful line up of speakers. This annual event will be held virtually due to COVID-19 protocols.  But trust us when we say that this is one summit you won't want to miss.

1 min read

Ross Bernstein to Speak at 2021 Success Summit

By NAIFA-GWDC on 3/18/21 6:47 PM

NAIFA-GWDC's 2021 Success Summit on April 21st hosts a powerful line up of speakers. This annual event will be held virtually due to COVID-19 protocols.  But trust us when we say that this one summit you won't want to miss.

4 min read

Success Summit Registration is OPEN!

By NAIFA-GWDC on 3/16/21 11:30 AM

Registration is now open for NAIFA-GWDC's Annual Success Summit on April 21st from 8:30 a.m.-noon! This virtual event features a powerful line-up of speakers: Ross Bernstein, Bruce Etherington, CLU, ChFC, CFP and Cameron Herold. Learn more about their phenomenal stories below!

1 min read

NAIFA-GWDC Hosts Joey Davenport on April 12th

By NAIFA-GWDC on 3/11/21 11:05 AM

You don't want to miss what's up next! The NAIFA-Greater Washington, D.C. YAT Committee is hosting Joey Davenport, President of Hoopis Performance Network on April 12th. This session is keeping with the virtual trend and will be held from 4-5 p.m. EST. Check out all the details here!

2 min read

Register Today! Joey Davenport to Speak on April 12

By NAIFA-GWDC on 3/4/21 11:04 AM

The NAIFA-Greater Washington, D.C. YAT committee is proud to present Joey Davenport CLU, CLF, President of Hoopis Performance Network: Using Behavioral Economics to Expedite Decision-Making"

2 min read

Taking LILI Applications Now!

By NAIFA-GWDC on 3/3/21 11:18 AM

NAIFA-GWDC is taking applications for their VIRTUAL 2021 LILI Class! The Leadership in Life Institute (LILI) is a six-month leadership development program devoted to enhancing your personal growth and professional success. Those who have taken the class are its biggest advocates saying that it was a life-changing experience! This year, things will be a little different, and the class will meet on a weekly basis online.
